Friday, May 22, 2020
Erikson s Theory That Changed Our Lives - 1354 Words
Erikson once proposed a theory that at different parts of our lives, we’re in different stages as well. It stated that at a certain age, people will be in a psychosocial dilemma, and after interviewing six different people, his theory is one that turned out to be true. The six people I choose to interview were between the ages of 6 to 67, which is a very broad spectrum, and their stages ranged from early childhood to late adulthood. They were also a few people that are very close to me in relation, and some that were not so close to me. In a way, this helped me tremendously when it came to gauging their answers, and their reactions to the questions I gave to them. Because it gave me a chance to see how these people felt about certain†¦show more content†¦Because when asked, â€Å"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?†She stated that she hopes to be on her way to become a doctor. Even though it would be extremely hard to become a doctor at the age of 22. She i s very goal-orientated, and takes pride in all of her accomplishments. Which is why I feel that she is in the industry stage. In another interview, I also interviewed his other niece who is 18. Like before, I haven’t really been around her as much either. But after listening to her answers, I feel as if she is in the adolescence stage, but she is in the role confusion crisis. Because she has no idea who she is at the moment. She is at that point in life,where she wants to find out who she is, but she is having a hard time figuring it out. She has figured out what her personal identity is, but she is having the hardest time when it comes to her social identity I say these things because, when she was asked, â€Å"What was do you think your biggest mistake has been? She replied, â€Å"Getting into too serious of a relationship at a young age.†She doesn’t know what her role is in the world, and that plays a huge role in why I say she is in the role confusion cr isis. In my next interview, the interviewee was someone very close to me Austin Didona, who just turned 20. After talking with him about these questions, I have concluded that he is in the young adulthood stage, which would be intimacy vs. isolation. The reason IShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development1060 Words  | 5 PagesTheories of human development deliver a framework to deliberate human growth, development, and learning. Understanding the theories can deliver useful contents into individuals and society a set of principles and concepts that describe life span development. Development perspectives are the psychoanalytic theory, behavior theory, humanistic approach and cognitive theory. Each theory focuses on different aspects of human development. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
End-of-life Decision-making Process Essay - 870 Words
Nurses provide guidance and address the problems in the end-of-life decision-making process. It is the nurse’s role to explain to families and other healthcare professionals when an advance directive would be put to use. An advance directive serves as a guide for clinicians to respect and honor the autonomous decision of the patient when they are in a position to not be able to express their wishes (Roux Halstead, 2009). Nurses could assist in ensuring the patient needs are met along with protecting their rights. The registered nurse act as client advocates in health maintenance and clinical care (Standards of Nursing conduct or practice, 2003). Advocating for patients could bring implications such as conflicts with physician and†¦show more content†¦Physicians could refuse to follow an advance directive on the basis of conscience objections to such care or treatment. Federal law requires that the patient or patient’s power of attorney be provided with wri tten policies at the time of admission to the hospital of any limitations on carrying out decisions, including the range of medical conditions or procedures affected by the conscience objection. However, state laws differ in that it needs to identify legal authority permitting a conscience objection. Ethical considerations that Mr. Y should weigh before agreeing to authorize the use of the ventilator for his brother should be that wishes be respected and followed, consider all the options given to him by the healthcare team, receive guidance to assist in addressing decision with the end goal being honoring his brothers choice when he was still capable of making them. Was Mr. E’s advance directive witnessed by two adults and notarized? Was he capable of signing his own legal document of advance directive and medical power of attorney when it was filled out? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Image Guided Micro-needle Steering System for Eye Surgery Free Essays
string(121) " multimodal ocular counsel system ; followed by the forced 3D surgical trajectory/path-planning system in subdivision 5\." Image Guided Micro-needle Steering System for Eye Surgery Abstraction: This paper proposes the design of a complete state-of-the-art image guided micro-needle ( ex. subcutaneous, or chamfer tip acerate leafs ) maneuvering system, which can automatically present anticoagulant drugs straight to the blood coagulums in the retinal vass ; or, can help sawboness in the arrangement of optic micro-stent by augmenting their capablenesss and cut downing restrictions by bring forthing: ( 1 ) an offline optimum three dimensional ( 3D ) surgical flight program ; and later ( 2 ) steer them by placing the mirco-needle in an offline 3D precise map of the oculus. The system specification includes: ( 1 ) a eye/head-surgical stationary tool positioning system: A dynamic, adaptable, and stable mechanical interface between the caput and the robotic surgical tool, ( 2 ) a 3D/4D multi-modal ocular system, ( 3 ) an intelligently constrained 3D surgical trajectory/path-planning system, and a ( 4 ) ocular servo based automated gesture accountant. We will write a custom essay sample on Image Guided Micro-needle Steering System for Eye Surgery or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction and Motivation This subdivision of the proposal paper, briefly, introduces the assorted oculus jobs to foreground the technological restrictions, and later emphasizes the importance of developing a smart dedicated optic surgical unit. Glaucoma is an oculus status which affects and later amendss the ocular nervus, which transmits images to our encephalon. The status is often characterized by the buildup of unwanted force per unit area within our eyes ; this force per unit area is called the intraocular force per unit area ( IOP ) . Once developed, the state of affairs bit by bit worsens, and can ensue in lasting vision loss. IOP, normally, develops when the circulation of the aqueous wit fluid is interrupted – possibly the circulating channel is clogged. To alleviate such force per unit area, the usual surgical process involves easing the flight of this force per unit area through trabeculectomy. Although trabeculectomy is the surgical criterion, nevertheless, there are hazards of complications ; such as infection, escape, and annoyance. On the other manus, Canaloplasty is, besides, a feasible non-penetrating surgical process for glaucoma patients. The technique places a micro-catheter or tubing in the Schle mm Canal, which is the natural drainage pipe for our eyes. This enlarges the canal and thereby expeditiously reduces force per unit area. Retinal vena occlusion ( RVO ) is a sort of aneurism in the retinal vena, which hardens the arterias and frequently inspired the formation of blood coagulum. RVO are of two types ( 1 ) cardinal vena or ( CRVO ) , and ( 2 ) subdivision venas or BRVO ; it blocks the little retinal venas that carry blood from the retina. Retina, as we know, is an of import tissue bed in our interior oculus ; positioned at the dorsum of the oculus, it is covered with specialised nervus cells that react to visible radiation and it converts them into nervus signals and sends them to the encephalon. Intuitively, similar to Glaucoma, RVO develops unwanted force per unit area on the retinal system. The most common intervention involves presenting anticoagulant drugs straight to blood coagulums in retinal vass cite { 6micm } . A possible fresh solution can be the precise arrangement of micro stent to make a new or an alternate tract for the extra fluid to run out, thereby commanding and cut downing the IOP ( blood, or aqueous wit ) . The thought is really similar to the coronary angioplasty. However, steering a surgical instrument into such complex environment is really slippery and physically really hard, if non impossible. To call a few: ( 1 ) an eye/head-surgical tool comparative motion, ( 2 ) surgeon’s manus shudder, ( 3 ) scratch and sutura truth, and most significantly ( 4 ) hapless visibleness. Such restrictions lead us to the inquiry, â€Å" extit { How make you successfully plan such a complex micro surgical process? } †Intuitively, it is apprehensible that recognizing such fresh surgical process would necessitate development of smart instruments or newer engineering. Computer vision, unreal intelligence, and robotics, over the old ages, have significantly revolutionized minimally invasive surgery: No average sternotomy, less opportunity of infections, less bleeding, therefore fewer yearss for recovery cite { ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4 } . Therefore, it is logical to anticipate that robotics can supply such smart option by significantly magnifying human physical capacity by shudder reduction/elimination, vision sweetening, and supplying cognition of the instruments’ probabilistically precise spacial location during the surgery. In this proposal paper we would wish to suggest a futuristic image guided micro-needle guidance robotic model which is specially designed to cut down the aforesaid surgical restrictions involved in oculus surgery. The system specification includes: ( 1 ) a eye/head-surgical stationary tool positioning system: A dynamic, adaptable, and stable mechanical interface between the caput and the robotic surgical tool, ( 2 ) a 3D/4D multi-modal ocular system, ( 3 ) an intelligently constrained 3D surgical trajectory/path-planning system, and a ( 4 ) ocular servo based automated gesture accountant. The grounds for taking a acerate leaf based surgical system are inspired from similar successful medical applications. Acerate leafs have been widely used in medical intervention for presenting drugs, minimally invasive acquisition of subsurface tissue cite { ex5, ex6 } . Accurate arrangement and interpolation can significantly find the success of a process cite { ex6 } . However, practically, a clinician has limited control over the way of the acerate leaf, once it enters into the tissue. Therefore, the ability to maneuver a needle inside tissue could significantly better the effectivity of acerate leafs based processs cite { reed } . The following logical inquiry is, â€Å" extit { Why choosing a robotic-artificially intelligent solution model? } Typically needle interpolation involves complex contact based mechanical interactions between the acerate leaf and the tissue. Furthermore, the needle arrangement process, sometimes, a consecutive lined executable interpolation is non realizable due to the placement of assorted critical anatomical constructions. Therefore, intuitively, the job of surgical way planning would hold been a batch relieved if the acerate leaf was cleverly dirigible cite { reed } . The staying portion of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the elaborate technology job and the associated environmental premises. Section 3 briefly outlines the cardinal mechanical design demand of the surgical unit: The Interface. Section 4 discusses the proposed novel 3D/4D multimodal ocular counsel system ; followed by the forced 3D surgical trajectory/path-planning system in subdivision 5. You read "Image Guided Micro-needle Steering System for Eye Surgery" in category "Essay examples" The ocular servo based optimum gesture accountant with be addressed in subdivision 6, followed by the decision in subdivision 7. The Engineering Problem and the Associated Assumptions To better understand the job, allow us visualise a medical exigency and futuristic robotic intercession. A pre-operative optical coherency tomographical ( OCT ) image of the retina indicates that a patient have retinal vena occlusion cite { 6micm, oct1 } . An offline 3D OCT based spacial map of the oculus was developed cite { oct1, oct2, oct3 } ; the map besides registered blood flow information based on Fourier sphere optical coherency tomographycite { oct4 } . Therefore, the optic Atlass would incorporate the vena construction and corresponding blood flow information. Based on the spacial place of the aneurism identified through the aforesaid offline optic 3D Atlass, an optimum surgical 3D plan/trajectory is determined cite { oct5 } . An image guided micro-needle ( ex. subcutaneous, or chamfer tip acerate leafs ) steering-robotic system, trusting on such information would automatically present anticoagulant drugs straight to the blood coagulums in the retinal vass ; or, can help sawboness in the arrangement of optic micro-stent by augmenting their capablenesss and cut downing restrictions by ( 1 ) cut downing shudder, ( 2 ) bring forthing an offline optimum three dimensional ( 3D ) surgical flight program, and later ( 3 ) steer them by placing the mirco-needle in an offline 3D OCT inspired theoretical account. Furthermore, the semi automated strategy would affect the surgeons’ having tactile feedback to enable tactual exploration and appropriate application of forces to weave cite { hap1 } . Therefore, the cloting drug is delivered automatically, or the optic micro-stent is placed semi-automatically. The premise of the system is that the patient undergoing the operation is, at least, locally anesthetized to immobilise the troubled oculus. The oculus palpebras are decently strapped, and the oculus is automatically held fixed with a microkeratome. Furthermore, as a safety step an oculus tracking device is invariably supervising the motion of the oculus and compensates consequently. The Interface: The Fundamental Mechanical Design Requirement The cardinal demands for the robotic unit are simple: ( 1 ) Zero comparative motion between the caput and the surgical acerate leaf, and ( 2 ) zero comparative motion between the acerate leaf and the oculus. This would be achieved automatically in a fresh manner. In the mechanical interface the acerate leaf based surgical unit is mounted on top of a stiff construction ; the construction is automatically attached to the caput. Therefore, any little motion of the caput is every bit translated in the acerate leaf. To contradict the quiver consequence, the surgical unit would hold its ain gesture feeling three dual-axis illumination MEMS accelerometers. An adaptative zero-phase filter will be implemented to separate the tremulous/vibrational motion from the intended controlled motion. Finally, the forward dynamic theoretical account would be feedback linked, through a PID gesture accountant, to the oculus tracking unit to guarantee robust steady coevals of control jurisprudence. The accountant would counterbalance for the comparative motions by debaring the acerate leaf in an equal but opposite gesture whihc minimizes a certain cost map. The cost map is related to the comparative motion of the tip from the coveted flight, this comparative motion can be detected by put ining a extremely magnified stereo imaging system. The apparatus would be really similar to the apparatus used to make the semiautomated intra-ocular optical maser surgery cite { ctrl1, ctrl2, ctrl3 } . However, in out instance acerate leaf is non seeable, therefore a shade acerate leaf will be tracked, where the comparative geometry between the shade acerate leaf and the existent acerate leaf is known. Other smarter accountant strategy, other than PID, can be used, nevertheless ; PID is the first to be tested. Towards aMulti-modalOffline Atlas for the Inter Ocular-Surgical Planning This subdivision explains the development of the fresh futuristic 3D/4D multimodal offline ocular representation of the human oculus. The thought is to unify complimentary imaging modes to make a 3D/4D offline map of the human oculus. The model consists of developing a 3D multimodal representation of the oculus, followed by extra 1D ocular augmentation by supplying vascular and corresponding blood/fluid flow information. The technique involves imaging the oculus utilizing three complimentary modes ( a ) Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) , ( B ) Confocal Microscopy ( CM ) , and ( degree Celsius ) Ultrasound Biomicroscopy ( UBM ) ; these are all 3D imaging techniques, which provides complimentary information. OCT provides sub-millimeter declaration without the demand for ionising radiation and associated hazards, nevertheless, the built-in sprinkling of photons in the tissue leads to blurring of the acquired images cite { img11 } ; in add-on, OCT retinene imagination has been used to visualise the posterior pole in human eyes cite { img9 } . CM provides high declaration 3D images, rejects out-of-focus information, therefore ensuing in fuzz free images cite { img11 } . Finally, UBM uses high-frequency transducers to image organic structure structures at smaller deepness with a higher declaration cite { img11, img13, img14 } . These images are acquired offline, prior to the surgery, and registered uti lizing some technique to make elaborate 3D map of the oculus. The dimensional extension to 4D is achieved by overlapping blood flow and vascular information from extra imagination modes: ( a ) 3D Dual-beam-scan Doppler optical coherency angiography ( OCA ) , ( B ) Doppler optical coherency imaging ( OCT ) , ( degree Celsius ) Bioptigen spectral-domain OCT, and ( vitamin D ) 3D micro-computed imaging ( 3D micro-CT ) . OCA provides visual image of the vascular constructions cite { img3 } and has been shown to successfully image the microvasculature of the posterior portion of human oculus cite { img1 } . D-OCT, a derived function of OCT, can supply both structural 3D and functional blood flow information by uniting coherency gating and optical maser Doppler effects cite { img2 } . Furthermore, Fourier domain D-OCT techniques can bring forth 3D informations sets which can make 100s of 1000s of axial scans within a few seconds. These images can assist visualise the retinal and choroidal vasculature in 3D and, later compute absolute blood flow every bit good as entire retinal blood flow cite { img2, img3, img4 } . Finally, Bioptigen spectral-domain OCT and 3D micro-CT, both, have been used to image the 3D aqueous wit out flow information cite { img10 } . Constrained 3D/4D Surgical Trajectory/path-planning System The intraocular part of the human oculus is really complex, therefore the surgery would necessitate careful planning. We propose to implement the flight planning strategy see the extremely deformable kineticss of the environment cite { plan1 } . This technique uses optimum control technique and simulation to outputs the flight program which maximizes the chance of success while sing the uncertainly of the ( 1 ) distortion theoretical account, and ( 2 ) the systems’ noisy province detection, and ( 3 ) unpredictable propulsion strategy. The technique has been shown to be successful in FEM based surgical simulations affecting steering bevel-tip dirigible acerate leafs through pieces of deformable tissue around obstructions. How to cite Image Guided Micro-needle Steering System for Eye Surgery, Essay examples
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